Things That I Hate

About the Site

Things That I Hate was launched in June 2009 in largely the same form as you see today. We invited people to submit short essays about—as the name quite clearly indicates—things that they hate. Whether it be common, everyday irritants that affect us all, or their personal pet peeves, just about any topic is welcome for inclusion on the site.

The site was not initially very popular, but when a particular submission got the attention of StumbleUpon users, we got over 30,000 visitors in a single day, and several hundred new submissions. While the number of daily visitors tapered off fairly quickly, we’ve managed to maintain a decent sized community, both via the web and the iOS app.

In the past year or so, two other sites have been launched, Unsubstantiated Theories and Fictional Conversations, with the same basic concept of user submission, but different topics.

Help Us Expand the Site

We’d love to grow further and expand the source pool of our submitted content. If you have anything you really hate, please feel free to submit it. Don’t get too frustrated if a submission of yours gets rejected. We’re pretty picky, and we generally don’t like to post the same basic topic more than once in a short period of time.

Also, share the site with your friends and encourage them to submit something. The more, the better!


Things That I Hate is written in HTML 5 and typeset in FF Meta Serif.

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